"Seek to gather knowledge of the world and preserve it."

“I know very little about my birth parents or their reasoning for placing me in one of the orphanages of Ul’dah. My memories are of moving from one place to another and being shuffled around by the caretakers. I cannot tell you great tales of woes or hardships as I was pretty much left alone and to my own devices. Keeping to the companionship of books kept me from harm's way for most of my time.”Hook: They may know each other or have crossed paths if raised in an orphanage or often visited the local libraries of Ul’dah.

“My family is one where we choose each other, not of one born to, or bound by blood.I have found one biological sibling, but this discovery was well into my adulthood and something I am still adjusting to.My family started with an altercation on the streets of the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, where I crossed paths with a Sharlayan Scholar, an Elezen, who eventually took it upon himself to adopt me. At first, I had a guardian, a teacher, and eventually a father who saw the potential in me that few others had.Family is a fluid concept that continues to be built upon.”Hook: Father, Sir Ly’rin Deforna, is a professor of Aetherial Technology and continues to give lectures and push for new discoveries and advancements.A student, a fellow scholar, or even a resident of the city may have connections.

Education and Career

“My education started very early as my father played well upon my endless curiosity, and I often accompanied him to his lectures and to the libraries. I sought to learn a little about everything and even things I should have left well enough alone. Lessons of the arts to tactical training, youthful misadventures to great explorations and expeditions into the wilds of the unknown.Eventually, my path led me to the study and practice of cartography, map making, which caters to my inquisitive nature, curiosity, and habit of not staying in one place for long. As a young adult, I earned acceptance as a junior cartographer's assistant and started traveling the various territories. Offering my skills and assistance to fellow adventurers. In time I earned my place amongst the masters of the trade and took up employment with a fellow cartographer where we offer our services as well as restore, preserve, decipher, replicate, and publish maps.”Hook: In need of a cartographer. Anything and everything dealing with maps.

Astronomy – Tracking the heavens is akin to a giant map written upon the sky. Carries a small telescope in her pack and enjoys the company of fellow stargazers.Archery – Finding enjoyment in being able to survey a landscape and being able to hit a target from various distances. A hobby she has taken more interest in as of late and is seeking improvement in.Illustration – from portraits to landscapes, often has a sketchbook nearby and smudges of ink and charcoal upon her fingers.Gardening – Adequate skill at gardening and often found within the Headquarters or her private residence tending to various flora.Music – known to be able to hold her own with an instrument but is one who would rather listen to others than play herself. Be it a bard upon the streets of the city-states or the local venues hosting an event. Not one to pass up the opportunity to sit back and listen to performers or have fun on the dance floor.Cooking – No. Just no. Don’t let her in the kitchen. She'll be happy to cook for you but for your safety and the neighborhood's survival. Do not let her.
Airship function and navigation - In a pinch, she could handle the basics. Knows how to read flight charts and the weather, her experience as a cartographer overlaps easily and can be of useful assistance when needed.Aether – Able to summon and manipulate aether, having received some formal training but by no means a Master of It. Favoring more to summoning and healing arts over the others.Physical prowess – Average at best. Took some defense classes and familiar enough with some weaponry to hold her own for a short while if backed into a corner but will often use her intellect to gain an advantage over the physical altercations.Hooks: Any hobbies or skillsets can offer a crossing of paths. Some are just more hazardous to one’s health than others. These are subject to change and grow as events unfold and she learns new things.
She has a gap in her front teeth that she tries to hide.
A rip in her right ear that is often covered by her jewelry.
Tattoo inside her left ear.
Tattoo of a lotus on the inner wrist of her left hand that glows when in contact with aether.
Faint accent, a mix of dialects from Ul’dah and Sharlayan that gets more pronounced when she is stressed.
Nervous tell where she will run the pad of her thumb along the side of her index finger.
Scar from a rope around her right leg and along her left palm.
Likes |
Charlie (pet anteater). |
Rainy and snowy days. |
Hot chi tea with a splash of rum and cinnamon. |
Mint Julep |
Libraries, the older the better. |
A ratty old sweater three sizes too big that she refuses to get rid of and will often lounge around the house in. |
Favorite colors are pearl white and adamantoise green. |
That comforting tight hug when cuddled up against someone. |
Sock surfing. |
Finds freckles to be adorable. |
Corsets, pants and a great pair of boots. |
Dislikes |
A duck, her archnemesis, who lives near her house. |
Olives. |
Pickled…anything. |
The beach. Sand…it gets everywhere, and she burns far too easily. |
Sky Pirates. |
General Info

Nickname: Ali
Age: Mid-thirties
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupations: Owner of one of the Research & Restorations Companies located in La Noscea. Knowledge conservator & curator of the restoration department, cartographer, and archeologist.
Residence: Medium-sized home and a cabin in the woods.
Family: Biological parents are unknown. One biological sibling has been located. Adopted grandparents, father, two sisters, and brother.
Chocobo: A grey bird named Sterling who was a gift from one of her brothers.
Notable Events
( These are not hooks but summaries of recent to ongoing RP.)

Through political connections with Sharlayan, her father helped negotiations of a large contract between her employer and the Ishgardians. Restoration of some of their archives and historical documents, a massive undertaking that has her frequently making trips to the area and surrounding territories. Status: Ongoing.Duck Wars. A monumental conflict over the pond neighboring her house continues. Casualties increasing. One garden plot has been lost. Status: Ongoing.Pattern has developed of weekly trips to Yanxia, Plum Springs, where she was spotted secretly wearing combat leathers and meeting with someone. Often returning home with fresh bruises. Status: Closed.Family squabbles. A heated disagreement caused tension within the family, forcing siblings to separate for a time. Tempers cooled, but they agreed to no longer work with each other under the same roof. Status: Closed.The stolen hat. Chocobo was seen darting through the markets of Kugane with a hat. Injuries occurred, but the hat was not recovered. Status: Closed.Lost treasure hunters. Hired to accompany a group of treasure seekers. The leader’s stubbornness prevented her from doing what she was hired for, and after a day of wandering aimlessly, it was found that their leader was reading the map upside down. Once corrected, the group found their location, and the ruins provided a sizeable sum for everyone and a hefty tip deemed an embarrassment tax. Status: Closed.Thief! Someone stole her sketchbook. The culprit was never identified, nor was the book recovered. Status: Given up on.Sister Shenanigans. Sisters kidnapped her and forced a girl’s night out. Drinks were had. Too many drinks. Shoes were lost, someone puked in their purse, and someone sent her flowers with a card thanking them for a colorful night. None of them know who sent the flowers…. none of them speak of the markers or apple slices. Status: Closed.He was everything she hated, two opposites forced to work alongside each other, ignoring the attraction until it was time to say goodbye. Status: Closed.
Injury. A bad fall while out exploring alone led to a compound fracture and getting stuck under some rubble. Eventually, someone collecting firewood in the forest rescued her, but recovery kept her homebound for a few months. Neither she nor the Duck was happy. Status: Closed.Bad choices. Wrong place. Wrong time. Happened upon an altercation in the backways of Ul’dah’s marketplace and interfered. It was a trap, and though she stood her ground to where they were all bloody by the end of things, the gang made off with her belongings. Status: Closed.What is this? A large parcel was delivered to her personal home containing maps and various tomes from all over the territories. Status: Closed.Father calls. Summoned back to Sharlayan as her Grandparents and her Father get into a political feud that spills out into the public involvement of the Forum. Tensions rise, and battle lines are drawn as bonds of family strain under the tension. Status: Closed.Brother challenges! Sock surfing. The championship title remains hers. Brother had to clean the Chocobo stables for a month. Status: Closed.

Who wants Waffles? An emergency trip to the clinic for everyone involved…even the duck lost a few feathers. The ban on the kitchen is still in place. Status: Closed.Famous last words. A warrior, dancer, sage, black mage, and cartographer walk into the forest. What could go wrong? He said! Why are the trees on fire? And why is the fire purple? Never trust a black mage! Status: Closed.Worked as a server for a local venue for extra income. She enjoyed working at a nearby speakeasy. Status: Closed.An infiltrator from a rival company posed as a gleaner found passage upon the company airship. Sabotage led to a crash landing, leaving the surviving crew stranded in the Sagolii Desert. Status: ClosedPromoted to Supervisor of the La Noscea Division Company branch, found herself leading a diverse, unique crew of skilled individuals. Status: Ongoing.

Ancient puzzle box leading the Company’s crew into Virdjala where the surveying team turned treasure hunters. Claiming a cache that allowed them to fund themselves for the next season running the airships and submersibles at full capacity. Status: Closed.The least he could have done when putting an arrow into her was aiming for the heart he already broke. Status: Closed.In a showing of love and support, friends and family gathered once again, filling her house with every white flower they could find to celebrate her adoption/name day. Status: Closed.Confrontation with a bounty hunter left her with a torn ear, bruised ego, and a trophy of a leather jacket. Status: Closed.Contracts with the officials of Kugane have brought about the construction of a new area branch of the Company along with a substantial restoration project to restore and protect items of historical importance for the region. Her team has been assigned to assist with the efforts and can often be found within the area. Status: Ongoing.With the help of one of her sisters, friends and family received matching tattoos that will glow when exposed to Aether. Status: Closed.Caught in the rain, soaked to the bone, she met him…one who was just as miserable as she was. They shared a kiss that was enchanting, warm and comforting. They parted when the rain stopped and went on their way. She never learned his name. Status: Closed.Crazy red-haired female Miqo'te chased Ali up a tree and onto a stranger’s balcony. The homeowner was not pleased at having daggers thrown at them as the two took cover from the insane redhead. It took a few hours until authorities restrained the female and carted her away while awkward introductions and conversation was made with the homeowner. Status: Closed.Honey, her faithful chocobo companion, gave its life in protection of her and those on the expedition in The Churning Mists. Status: Closed.One does not see those drowning when they, themselves, are dying from thirst. A hard choice was made to which there was no good answer and the consequences of this choice will be felt for years to come. Status: Ongoing.

An old friend turned rival, and they placed a bounty on her head, leading to a confrontation with hunters. A wager was made on a game of risk, and favors were exchanged. A debt looms over her head. Status: Closed.What goes up must come down eventually. A stolen airship, explosives, and an engineer with a diminished sense of personal survival take to the skies in pursuit. She learned firsthand what it felt like to be burnt toast. Status: Closed.Hired to restore a noble’s legacy library, she became a guest at the family manor while the work was done. The frustrating, pompous, arrogant annoyance of flesh tested her ability to remain professional and not commit murder…. daily. One can only hope they never meet again. Status: Closed.Tasked by headquarters to attend a gala to raise donations for the company and its endeavors, Ali spent the night socializing and navigating the political minefield of old money and egos. When he entered the room, her breath was stolen. When he danced with her, it felt like a scene from a romantic novel…up until she drew a thin dagger to his groin when he tried to lift her jewelry. The thief’s prize was his jewels remaining intact that night. Status: Closed.Appointed a new apprentice Ali was greeted face-to-tit by a bubbly, highly energetic roe woman who liked to hug…a lot. Status: Ongoing.

Employee and friend faced a life-threatening consequence where a choice made by both involved revealed an unexpected outcome. Status: Closed.A friend is discovered to be of biological relations; confusion and questions fade into easy acceptance. Status: Ongoing.Sterling, a red-eyed, grey-colored chocobo, was gifted to her by one of her brothers. Though Honey will never be replaced, Sterling has already warmed her heart. Status: Closed.A crate of precious ore came up missing only to find the culprit to be a very cute anteater. Now to find out where he stashed the rest. Status: Closed.While most of the crew was away on an expedition, the three remaining ladies decided to go on their own adventure. Explosives and tea. None involved will ever speak of the crumpets again. Status: Closed.While on expedition there occurred a critical equipment malfunction while rappelling into a cave, Ali became tangled up in the climbing ropes, resulting in loss and injury as the crew had to perform an emergency evacuation. Status: Closed.Facing fear. After a forced vacation it was time to get back to work and face fears that lingered in reoccurring nightmares. Status: Ongoing.Mysterious caves, rival crew, sabotage, and conflicts of interest threaten to divide the crew and strain friendships. Status: Ongoing.
Family, Friends & Crew
The CrewBack Row - Left to Right: Florian "Flor", Theodore "Theo", Ly’rin, Bernadette "Bernie", Conrad, El'ora, and Marvrin "Marv".Front Row – Left to Right: Zosia "Zo - Zoey", Yrmi, Ali, Unre, Vyn, Charlene "Arle" and Eiradis.
Never challenge Bernie to a drinking contest.
Ali, Zoey, Theo, Bernie, Vyn, Flor and El'ora
Ali & Vyn
Dance with me....
Ali and Yr dancing, Lambada.
“Work with family… will be fun.”Arle realized her mistake in asking her father (Conrad) and friends (Vyn, Ali, and Unre) to help repair a magitek unit.
Rest well, my friend.Theo and Charlie were found napping by Ali.
Sometimes a daughter just needs to go home to her father."Are you proud, Papa?" – Ali & Ly’rin
Featuring - Top, left to right. Bernie, Unre & Marv
Bottom, left to right. Arle, El'ora, Ali, Yrmi & Vyn
This isn't going to end well....Ali leaves the Old Man (Eiradis) and Charlie when they start in on one of their "debates".
Group Hug!
Featuring Arle, Zoey, Ali, El'ora, and Bernie.
Leaning on your friends. Zoey and Ali.
Tackle hugs!
Featuring Vyn, Ly'rin, Flor, Bernie, Ali and Theo.
Catching Flor sleeping on the job again...and again...and.....
Unre had knowledge dropped upon him.El'ora had a stack of books in her arms and was distracted by Eiradis and Ali's conversation, she didn't see Unre and Charlie underfoot.Poor guy.
Astara and Ali moments before finding trouble.
"Ali! Don't kick Lucy!"Arle isn't impressed with Ali's mechanical problem-solving skills.
Time to plan our own adventure.
Tea, crumpets and explosives included.Featuring El'ora, Bernie & Ali
Missing ore was recovered from a mischievous anteater.
Now, to find out where he stashed the rest.Featuring Vyn, Charlie, Arle & Ali
Featuring Conrad, Marv, Charlie & Ali - by Vyn

Hello there! I go by either Ali or Sil, and I have been a part of the FFXIV community since the release of ARR.Game-wise, I consider myself an average-casual content player. I like to be versatile and often play the needed job over having a favorite or main. Enjoy running maps, doing hunts, and helping folks out as they journey through the game.Been roleplaying for 10+ years and favor storytelling adventures. From the slice-of-life, everyday interactions to the more dramatic plot-driven narratives.Regarding RP, I like writing in Discord as it is more friendly concerning the difference in free time and time zones, often multi-paragraph and or adaptive to my writing partner. I believe communication is essential, as well as respect and courtesy for both players and characters involved.Real life always comes first; momentum in rp may be impacted by any reason or even growing disinterest. Just be honest and let me know what is going on, and we can go from there.The separation between IC and OOC is vital; although Ali is romanceable, please understand I am not looking for anything beyond friendship OOC. That is an all-stop boundary. If you are looking for or focusing on erp/nsfw driven content. I must decline. I have nothing against it; it is just not what I am looking for or focus on when I write or gpose.
I do have a slight addiction to screenshots and enjoy working with others in collaboration with different styles and aesthetics.You are welcome to join the Community Discord server. If interested, let me know and I'll send you a link.
Thank you so much for taking the time to view my Carrd!
You can find me here:
Duck Wars
What is this?
This ongoing storyline started around Mar 24, 2023, as part of my character’s story and a resource for comic relief in writing and screenshots. Ali has a duck that lives in the pond next to her house that has become her archnemesis. The intent is for lighthearted entertainment with which my friends and I engage in various ways and antics. This story recently became open to the community to have fun with (primarily on Discord and X/Twitter) and engage in their own duck-related antics with this very mischievous feathered antagonist. Below is a collection of shots of those taking part and supporting the continued adventures and shenanigans.
Ali's nemesis strikes again!
"This means war feather bucket!"
"Some quiet time alone......"
Featuring Ly'rin and Marv
Made by: Zel
Featuring: Idoh’a
Featuring: Zel
Featuring: Unre
Featuring: @LordNeko @Mistr_MeowMeow, Zel, @SuddenlyViore & Unre
Featuring: Zel
Creator of The Duck of Light
Anyone is welcome to take part in the war.Have your OC harassed/interact with ducks and tag or send me the shots you make.No NSFW or killing of said duck(s).
